

Hematolog & Cytogenetics

        • The study of blood, blood forming organs and different blood diseases are carried out by Hematology Department of Rifah Lab.
        • The hematology department at Rifah Lab performs a wide variety of basic and advanced hematology allowing accurate and timely diagnosis of a variety of blood-related disorders like anemia, hypercoagulable states, leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood malignancies.
        • The department has advanced automated analyzers with a very stringent internal quality control system.
          Our highly experienced pathologists offer an expert interpretation of peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens and recommend further advanced testing such as flow cytometry studies which play a major role in the final diagnosis of hematological malignancies.
          The lab is equipped with the latest and advanced technology to be able to deliver our results with the highest level of accuracy and the shortest TAT.

Routine Hematology: 

Routine Hematology includes Blood complete picture (CP,CBC), peripheral smear, ESR, test for Malarial parasite, Combs’ Test, G6PD Enzyme Assay, Urine for Hemosiderin etc. All abnormal results are verified by senior hematologists and strict watch is kept on the quality of the results along with its clinical correlation. Wherever felt necessarytest results are rechecked free of cost and if required on different instruments.

Specialized Tests:

          1. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
          2. Bone Marrow Biopsies
          3. Automated Coagulation Studies and tests for Thrombophilia
          4. Platelet Aggregation Studies
          5. Cytogenetic Studies

Besides hematological disorders as already mentioned, some of the other conditions for which cytogenetic studies are available are:

                    • Down’s Syndrome
                    • Mental Retardation
                    • Dysmorphic Features
                    • Congenital Anomalies
                    • Short Stature
                    • Gender Ambiguity
                    • Primary Amenorrhea
                    • Secondary Amenorrhea
                    • Recurrent Abortions
                    • Infertility