

Immunology & Serology​

        • Test performed in immunology department are HEV IgG & IgM, Anti Mullarian Hormone, Anticardiolipin IgM, Human Growth Hormone (Basal, Stimulation Suppression), Insulin Like Growth Factor -1 , HSV IgG/IgM , Endomysial IgA, TB IgG/IgM, Entamoeba histolytica IgG, Echinococcus IgG, 17 OH Progesterone, Leptin.
        • Autoimmunity tests are performed on the state of the art Blue Diver Instrument, automated Immunodot analyzer from D-Tek, Belgium.
        • Autoimmunity tests performed on Blue diver include ANA Group Test (24 antigens), ANF/ANA screening (12 antigen), ANCA & GBM, ENA profile, Celiac IgA, Celiac IgG, Gastritis Ab, Anti Phospholipid, anti dsDNA.
        • The automated equipment is interfaced with lab software to minimize clerical errors.
        • Facility to provide urgent reports in minimum time period.
        • Body Fluids like Pleural fluid, Synovial, CSF and Seminal fluid etc. are examined by Consultant Pathologists.
        • All abnormal results are rechecked before being reported.
        • Tests are performed batch wise, Controls are run with each batch.
        • External controls are run on monthly basis
        • Controls are verified by duty pathologist.
        • Integrated with software to minimize clerical errors.
        • Facility to provide urgent reports on request.
        • Autoimmunity tests are performed on daily basis. ​